Plano Nordeste Potência

The base of development is here

In a few years, the Northeast region of Brazil may experience a new cycle of economic growth, with more jobs, income, inclusion, and business opportunities.

The future is built with a diversified renewable energy matrix, along with inclusiveness, and respecting rural and traditional peoples’ rights. That is fair energy transition for all.

The Northeast region of Brazil has everything to be a protagonist of this new global moment.
Be part of this movement.


The Plano Nordeste Potência presents a set of recommendations to promote a regenerative and inclusive economy in the Northeast of Brazil.

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Participatory development of an Ecological Economic Zoning(Zoneamento Econômico Ecológico-ZEE) for centralized wind and solar facilities, integrating information on conservation units, indigenous lands, quilombolas and rural settlements to be safeguarded, and degraded areas for expansion of power generation plants and transmission lines.

Articulation of sectorial plans and policies-including climate policies-within and between states, in order to foster integrated growth and strengthen the region, with integrated planning tools.

Guarantees for the affected communities’ participation in expansion, granting and environmental licencing studies.

Creation and implementation of policies to foster the solar industry’s value chain.

Funding for energy efficiency and distributed solar generation by state and local agencies.

Development of public-private partnerships (PPPs) for the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings and facilities.

Advancement of the electrification of transportation, with priority for public transport.

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Promotion of manpower’s technical training for renewable energy, energy efficiency and electrified transport sectors, through agreements with training agents such as Industry Social Service–SESI, National Service of Industrial Training–SENAI, Brazilian Service for Micro and Small Enterprises–Sebrae, etc.

Advancement of environmental, energy and science education in schools and universities. Capacity building for rural youths.

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Creation of permanent forums to debate and guide the installation of onshore and offshore solar and wind power plants, with the inclusion of environmental and territorial collegiate bodies in decision-making processes.

Creation of autonomous instances for technical and legal assistance, and monitoring of agreements, contracts and processes of communities affected by the developments.

Guaranteed rights of identity and permanence in the territory. Democratisation of information from studies and installation of solar and wind generation projects, and transmission lines.

Definition of new indicators and chains of responsibility, in dialogue with society, of service providers installing wind and solar power plants.

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Reduction of access inequalities dto quality energy by (1) encouraging distributed generation and (2) environmental and social compensation for centralised solar and wind generation projects.

Promotion of distributed generation of solar energy with the leading role of local communities.

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Promotion of the complementarity of renewable sources with hydroelectric plants in the São Francisco River basin through debate with the National Electric System Operator (Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico–ONS), with a plan that guarantees the adequate management of water, its multiple uses and the regeneration of ecosystems.

Restoration of vegetation liabilities in the São Francisco River basin.

Promotion of community-based projects for the productive recovery of vegetation, tourism and ustainable extractivism, and the conservation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

Articulation with the São Francisco River Basin Committee and state committees.


A series of analysis, case studies, workshops, and dialogues carried out under this project has provided important background to Plano Nordeste Potência–they are listed here (in Portuguese). Different organizations have contributed with substantial technical and practical knowledge.

The documents cited above do not necessarily represent the views of this group.

Who we are

The Plano Nordeste Potência is built by four Brazilian civil organizations: Centro Brasil no Clima, Fundo Casa Socioambiental, Grupo Ambientalista da Bahia, and Instituto Climainfo, with support from Instituto Clima e Sociedade.

The aim is to promote public debate about post-pandemic economic recovery in the Brazilian North
east on a green, fair and inclusive basis, in a system that brings benefits to all strata of society.




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